Master of Management
Distinctive Focus:
In recent times, India is emerging as one of the global hubs of technology intensive organizations and R&D, with the increase in entry of MNCs in the high- tech and R&D sectors as well as rapid growth of domestic enterprises in these sectors. Such technology based and R&D intensive industries need executives with exposure and training in Management and Business Analytics. Formal education in analytics will strengthen the capability of these executives to perform robust analyses to make decisions in information and data driven organizations. It is to meet this need of high-tech industries of emerging India that our new Masters Program will focus on training the students in Business Analytics.

Mode of Selection:
Group Discussion and Personal Interview
Objectives of the program:
- To enable graduate engineers to grow into competent and creative managers of technology intensive and data driven organizations.
- To encourage entrepreneurship for high technology start-ups To attract and foster doctoral students in management.
Course structure:
Hard Core Courses = 8 X 3 credits = 24 credits
Stream Core Courses = 4 X 3 credits = 12 credits
Electives = 12 credits
Project work = 16 credits
Total = 64 credits
Hard Core Courses
Business Analytics Stream Core Courses
Suggested Electives
Summer Term:
- Public Sector as well as Private Sector R&D Organizations, and
- High-tech Industries in the Corporate Sector.
Alternatively, some of them will be encouraged to get exposure to
- Business Incubation,
- Venture Capital Funds, and
- Successful Start-Ups.
The summer term is expected to expose students to live problems and practical aspects/ challenges of running an enterprise. This exposure will lead to an understanding of the application aspects of management, which the students can use in their project work.
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