Research & Consultancy Projects, and Seminar Grants obtained:
Consultant, Consultancy Project on “Retrofitting of Inter-City Diesel Passenger Buses: An Economic Analysis and Policy Prescriptions”, carried out by a team of researchers for Foundation for Economic Growth (EGROW), NOIDA during April-July 2024.
Principal Coordinator for the Joint Seminar under ICSSR (India) – JSPS (Japan) Joint Research Programme in the field of Social Sciences, titled “Ecosystem for Technology Start-Ups in India and Japan: Gaining Deeper Insights”, held during 21-25 August 2018 at Toyohashi University of Technology, Aichi, Japan. The Joint Seminar was jointly organized with Prof. Takao Fujiwara, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan under the ICSSR (India) – JSPS (Japan) Bilateral Programme . Led a team of six researchers [Dr Shahsi Jain, Dr Kshitija A Joshi,Dr H S Krishna, Mr Depak Chandrashekar, Mr Muralidharan Loganathan and Mr Ganesaraman Kalyanasundaram) to TUT, Japan for the Joint Seminar.
Principal Coordinator for the Joint Seminar under ICSSR (India) – JSPS (Japan) Joint Research Programme in the field of Social Sciences, titled “Ecosystem for Technology Start-Ups in India and Japan: A Comparative Perspective”, held during 1-5 May 2017 at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. The Joint Seminar Proposal was jointly submitted with Prof. Takao Fujiwara, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan under the ICSSR (India) – JSPS (Japan) Bilateral Programme.
Principal Research Investigator for the Research Project titled, “Technology Business Incubators in India: An Exploratory Study on their contribution to National R&D Efforts”, sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi. Prof. Parthasarathy Ramachandran is the Co-Principal Investigator. The project is under implementation since January 2017.
Principal Research Investigator for the Research Project titled, “A Study on the Ecosystem for High-Technology Start-ups in Bangalore and Hyderabad”, sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi. Dr P Balachandra is the Co-Principal Research Investigator.The project was implemented during May 2015-May 2017.
Principal Research Investigator for the Research Project titled, “Resource Recovery and Reuse”, sponsored by International Water Management Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka). The project was implemented during August 2013-July 2015. Prof Parthasarathy Ramachandran and Dr P Balachandra are the Co-Principal Research Investigators.
Principal Research Investigator for the Consultancy Project titled, “Evaluation of Three Research Projects of CPRI under 11th Five Year Plan”, sponsored by Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore. The project was implemented during October 2013-February 2014. Dr M Mathirajan is the Co-Principal Research Investigator.
Principal Research Investigator for the Research Project titled, “External Technology Acquisition in Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Experience and Efficacy”, sponsored by Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi. The project was implemented during May 2011-October 2012.
Principal Research Investigator for the Research Project titled, “Internationalization of SMEs: Objectives, Strategies and Achievements”, sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The project was implemented during January 2011-July 2013.
Principal Investigator for the Research Project titled, “The Influence of Technological Innovations on the Growth of Manufacturing SMEs” funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. Co-Principal Investigator: Dr M Mathirajan, Principal Research Scientist, Department of Management Studies, IISc. The Project was implemented during June 2006 – June 2008.
Co-Principal Research Investigator for the Consultancy Project titled, “Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Brigade Gateway Township project, Subramanya Nagar, Bangalore” sponsored by M/S Brigade Group, Bangalore and implemented jointly with Prof K B Akhilesh during November 2006 – August 2007.
Research Project titled, “Bridging the Gap between Europe and India’s Nanotechnology Knowledge Bases towards an understanding of Innovative Support Structures, Training Programmes and Policies” sponsored by European Union and implemented by SPI, Portugal along with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore among others (The Institute of Nanotechnology, UK; Malsch TechnoValuation (MTV), The Netherlands;
IIT Bombay; Pune University and Delhi University). The project was implemented during April 2006March 2007.
Consultant for the project work on Structural Transformation and Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Industry of Karnataka: SME dominant industries Vs LSE dominant industries. The Project Work was sponsored by Foundation for Studies in International development (FASID), Tokyo, Japan. The project work was implemented during December 2006 – February 2007.
Consultant for the Project on “E-Commerce and Small Enterprise in India” implemented by M/S, Mahiti Infotech Private Limited, Bangalore and sponsored by the Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM), University of Manchester, United Kingdom during August-December 2003.
Principal Research Investigator for the Research Project on “A Study of Energy Consumption Pattern and Potential for Energy Efficiency in Small Industry Clusters of Karnataka”, funded by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi. Co-Principal Investigator: Dr P Balachandra, Department of Management Studies, IISc. The project was implemented during 2001-2003.
Principal Research Investigator for the Consultancy Project on "An Exploratory Study of Environmental Pollution by Small Scale Industries Sector in Karnataka", funded by the World Bank through Environmental Economics Research Committee [EERC], IGIDR, Mumbai under “India: Environmental Management Capacity Building (EMCaB) Technical Assistance Project” of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Co-Principal Investigator: Dr P Balachandra, Department of Management Studies, IISc. The project was implemented during 2000-2002.
Principal Research Investigator for the Research Project on "R&D in Small Scale Industries in Karnataka", funded by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. M N Srinivasan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IISc and Co-Investigators: Dr M Mathirajan and Dr P Balachandra, Department of Management Studies, IISc. The project was implemented during 1999-2001.