Lectures Delivered

Since 1998

  1. Attended and made a presentation on “Creating an Ecosystem for MSMEs to Flourish” as part of the presentation on the MSME Report prepared by EGROW and ASSOCHAM in the ASSOCHAM Annual General Meeting held on 7th November 2024 at Hotel Shangri-La, New Delhi.
  2. As a panelist, made a presentation on “Industrial Sector in Karnataka”, in the EGROW Webinar Series on “Economy of Karnataka” held on 30th August 2024.
  3. Presented (on 28th June 2024) a paper titled, “The Development of An Entrepreneurial University in India: A Case Study” authored by Bala Subrahmanya, M H and Arun Kumar, G, in the Geneve Entrepreneurship Summit 2024, organized and held at School of Management, Fribourg, Switzerland during 26-29 June 2024.
  4. Delivered a Keynote Address on “Why should Entrepreneurial Universities be promoted in India? How?”, in the FINENT Conclave 2024 at Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) organized by the Department of Humanities and Management, MIT, Manipal on 18th April 2024.
  5. As the Chief Guest delivered a talk on “Foundations of Research Excellence” at the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) organized by and at Department of Management Studies, MSRIT, Bangalore on 26th February 2024.
  6. Delivered an invited talk on “Why should we promote Entrepreneurial Universities in India? How?”, in Christ University, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore organized by the ECONTAGO, Economics Association, and Department of Economics, Christ University, Bangalore on 20th February 2024.
  7. As the Guests of Honour, delivered the Keynote Address on “Future Options for Management Graduates” in the Convocation, Spectra 2023, at Krupanidhi School of Management, Bangalore on 21st November 2023.
  8. Delivered a talk on “Financial Management of MSMEs: Policies, Institutional Structure and Problems” in the Training Programme in Financial Management for the senior officers in the Karnataka State Audit and Accounts Department in Government of Karnataka organized by and at Fiscal Policy Institute, Bangalore on 8th November 2023.
  9. Delivered a talk on “University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in India: Why should we promote them?”, in the CII YI Entrepreneurship Summit: E 2.0 “Venture Forward” Learning Workshop at IISc organized jointly by Young India Bengaluru and EntIISc (Entrepreneurship & Innovation at IISc) on 4th November 2023.
  10. As a speaker in the Plenary Session on “Unlocking the Dynamism of MSMEs and Start-Ups for Industrial Transformation”, [as part of the National Conference on Towards Industrial Transformation of India] presented my views on “policy imperatives to transform India’s MSME Sector and Start-Ups” on 6th October 2023 organized and conducted at Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi.
  11. As a panelist, presented views on “Industry-Institute Partnership’, in the Panel Discussion on ‘Online Advertising by Indian MSMEs: Insights, Impact and Way Forward’, organized as part of the Report Launch – Online Advertising by Indian MSMEs: Insights, Impact and Way Forward, by Primus Partners, India SME Forum, and EGROW at Hotel Oberoi, New Delhi on 21st September 2023.
  12. Presented a paper titled, “An Entrepreneurial University Ecosystem in India: Structure, Role and Implications”, in the 11th International Conference on “Entrepreneurship in a Challenged World: The Role of Universities in the Development of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems” organized by The Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship (BAMDE) and The Institute of Entrepreneurship, University of National and World Economy, Sofia at Flamingo Grand Hotel and Spa, Albena, Bulgaria during 11-14 September 2023.
  13. As the Chief Guest delivered a talk on “Basics of Management Research” in the Inaugural Function of FPM Batch 2023 at International School of Management Excellence, Bangalore on 8th September 2023.
  14. As the Chief Guest delivered a talk on “Need and Significance of Publishing in Research” in the Inaugural Ceremony of ESPLORO 2023, the fourth edition of the National Students Research Paper Conference organized by and at The Department of Management Studies, RN Shetty Institute of Technology (RNSIT), Bangalore on 28th August 2023.
  15. As one of the Chief Guests, delivered a talk on “Need for an Exclusive PG program in MSME Management” in the Closing Ceremony of Management Development Programme 3.0 organized by M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (MSRUAS), Bangalore and Right Edge Learning Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore at Faculty of Management & Commerce, MSRUAS, Bangalore on 26th August 2023.
  16. As the Chief Guest delivered a talk on “Emerging & Disruptive Technologies (Industry 4.0): What are its Managerial and Policy Implications?”, in the Symposium on “Emerging and Disruptive Technologies” organized by and at the Department of Management Studies, Siddaganga Institute of Technology (SIT), Tumakuru (in association with Infinite-Sum Modeling, USA) on 23rd August 2023.
  17. Delivered a Keynote Address on “The Significance and Challenges of high-quality research in Management Schools in India: What needs to be done?” in the Inauguration of Punashchetana – Faculty Refresher Program of CMS Business School, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore on 12th July 2023.
  18. As part of the Inauguration of Faculty Development Program on Research Proposal Writing, delivered a Talk on “Identification of a Research Problem” followed by another talk on “Research Methodology and Design”, in the G H Raisoni University, Saikheda, Madhya Pradesh on 12th June 2023.
  19. Addressed the participants as the Chief Guest by delivering talk on “Challenges faced by tech start-ups and the role of researchers in addressing them” in the Inaugural Function of 11th International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Management, organized by International School of Management Excellence, Bangalore on 24th February 2023.
  20. Delivered a talk on “Challenges for high-quality research in management education: A perspective of Indian B-Schools”, in the Faculty Development Program for the faculty of MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (MSRUAS), Bangalore on 21st February 2023.
  21. Delivered the Inaugural Address on “Fourth Industrial Revolution and Its Adoption by Indian Industry: Challenges and Implications” in the Inaugural Function of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Revolutionary Technologies for Global Business Breakthrough”, organized by the Department of Commerce in the Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore on 10th January 2023.
  22. Delivered an Invited Talk on “Traversing India’s Industrialization: How Far? How Much Further?”, in the Department of Management Studies, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10th January 2023. 
  23. Delivered an online talk on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Tech Start-ups in India: Why is Bangalore Unique?”, to the MBA students of NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh on 30th September 2022 (from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.).
  24. Participated as a Keynote Speaker in the Panel Discussion on “Industry 4.0 and Indian Industry” as part of the International Conference on “Innovation and Management: The Way Ahead” on 29th September 2022 organized by and at Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies (KIAMS), Harihara, Karnataka (from 12 Noon to 1.00 p.m.).
  25. Delivered a talk, as a resource person, on “Research Methodology: Significance of a Research Proposal, Research Design, and Research Publications”, in the Two-Day Workshop on Research Methodology”, organized by and at Kausali Institute of Management Studies, Karnatak University, Dharwad on 15th September 2022.
  26. As the Chief Guest in the Inaugural Ceremony of “Two Day Workshop on Research Methodology” organized by and at Kausali Institute of Management Studies, Karnatak University, Dharwad, delivered a talk on “Teaching and Research in Management: Why should Faculty and Management Schools promote them together?”, on 15th September 2022.
  27. As one of the Chief Guests, delivered a talk on “Teaching and Research in Management: Why must Faculty and B-Schools Promote them together?” in the “Teachers Day” celebrations conducted to felicitate eminent academicians, on 10th September 2022 by M.S. Ramaiah Foundation at M S Ramaiah Foundation Corporate Office, Bangalore.
  28. Delivered a talk (online) on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The Bangalore Model” in the NAHEP sponsored online training on “Nurturing the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Agricultural Universities”, organized by ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad (from 11.30 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.) on 24th August 2022.
  29. Delivered a talk (online) on “Will there be a Global Stagflation/ Will it affect Indian economy and MSMEs?” in the Management Development Program organized by RightEdge Solutions, Bangalore along with M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore from 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. on 6th August 2022.
  30. Delivered a talk (online) on “How did Bangalore emerge as a Global Hub of Tech Start-ups in India? Evolution, Structure and Role”, in the workshop organized for Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat by National Academy for Agricultural Research & Management (NAARM), Hyderabad (from 2.00 p.m. to 3.15 p.m.) on 20th July 2022.
  31. As one of the panelists, spoke in the Panel Discussion titled, “Developing Global Value Chains from India” held during 1.35 p.m. – 2.40 p.m. on 20th May 2022, organized by Financial Express.com.
  32. As one of the speakers, spoke in the Twitter based discussion on “#Bangalore-#Hyderabad tussle over IT supremacy”, organized by News9 media from 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. on 8th April 2022.
  33. As one of the panelists, discussed the issues relevant to Building Resilience in MSMEs in the Financial Express (FE) Board Room Panel on Small Business Economy organized online on 16th March 2022 (from 2.15 p.m. to 2.55 p.m.).
  34. Delivered an online talk on “Research Proposal Development and Funding Opportunities”, in the Five-Day Faculty Development Program on “Research Proposal Writing & External Research Funding Opportunities”, for the faculty from the School of Business organized by VIT-AP School of Business, Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh on 3rd March 2022 (from 10.00 a.m. to 12 Noon).
  35. As one of the panelists, made a presentation on “MSMEs in India during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Current Challenges & Policy Imperatives”, in the Webinar on Fostering the Revival of MSMEs in the aftermath of Covid-19, organized by Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi on 17th February 2022 (from 3.45 p.m. to 5.15 p.m.).
  36. As one of the Chief Guests, delivered a talk on “Traversing India’s Industrialization: How far? How much further?” in the Inaugural Function of the National Management Day organized by Faculty of Management & Commerce, M S Ramiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore on 17th February 2022 (from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.).
  37. As a panelist made an online presentation on “Five Trillion $ GDP and the Union Budget 2022-23”, in the Panel Discussion on the “Union Budget 2022-Decrypted” organized virtually by the School of Business, and School of Economics & Commerce, CMR University, Bangalore on 2nd February 2022 (from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.).
  38. Delivered a talk (online) on “Significance of Research, Research Proposal, and the Need for Research Methodology”, in the Workshop on “Research related Solutions for Faculty and Research Scholars” organized by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Jais, Amethi, on 31st January 2022 (from 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.).
  39. Made a presentation on “MSMEs in India: Current Challenges and Policy Imperatives” as a panelist in the Panel Discussion on “MSME Sector in the time of the Pandemic: Challenges and Policies”, organized (online) by Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore on 15th December 2021 (from 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.)
  40. Chaired the EGROW Webinar on “Challenges Facing MSMEs In Post-Covid Recovery”, organized by the Foundation for Economic Growth and Welfare, Noida, on 26th November 2021.
  41. Delivered a National Webinar on “Technology based Start-ups and their Ecosystems in India”, organized by Department of Business Economics, The New College, Chennai on 25th November 2021.
  42. Delivered the Inaugural Lecture on “Significance of Research, Methodologies and How to Promote It?”, for the Faculty Development Programme conducted by the IAS Academy and the Department of Law, K L University, Vijayawada, on 15th November 2021.
  43. As a participant, presented a paper (online) on “The Impact of Covid-19 crisis on Indian SMEs: Causes, Dimensions and Challenges”, in the Regular Session on “Economics of Technology” in the 11th 2021 ASIP Conference on Pandemic, Innovation and Asia held from Jeju University, Jeju, Korea on 8th October 2021.
  44. As the Chief Guest for the Orientation Programme (2021-2022) for the B.Com. students of the School of Economics and Commerce (SOEC), CMR University, Bangalore, delivered an online talk on “Career opportunities and challenges for students in the field of Commerce” on 4th October 2021.
  45. As one of the panelists, delivered a presentation on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Tech Start-ups in India: Structure, Role and Promotion”, in the ICSSR organized Virtual Round Table Discussion on “Startups for New and Atmanirbhar Bhara”, on 9th September 2021 from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
  46. As the Chief Guest, delivered the Convocation Address at the XII Annual Convocation – 2021 of Ramaiah Institute of Management Sciences, Bangalore on 3rd September 2021.
  47. Delivered an invited (online) talk on “Significance of Research and Research Methods”, to the faculty of Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 5th August 2021 (from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.).
  48. Participated as one of the distinguished panelists in the Policy Roundtable on “Reigniting Sustainable Growth of MSMEs in the Aftermath of Covid-19 Pandemic”, organized (online) by Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on 30th July 2021 (from 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.).
  49. Delivered an expert talk on “MSMEs in India: Evolution, Policies and Current Challenges”, in the Webinar on MSME, jointly organized by RIS, Indian High Commission Abuja and Nigerian Army Resource Center on 14th July 2021 (from 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.).
  50. Delivered a webinar on “The Impact of COVID-19 crisis on Indian SMEs: Causes, Dimensions and Implications” in the EGROW Webinar Series on MSMEs in Short and Medium Term organized by Foundation for Economic Growth and Welfare (EGROW), New Delhi on 14th June 2021 (from 5:30PM - 7:00PM). Dr. Arvind Virmani, Chairman, EGROW, New Delhi, chaired the session.
  51. Delivered a webtalk on “Technological Innovation of SMEs in India: Need, Status and Challenges”, organized by TMI Community, Mumbai on 20th March 2021(from 5:00PM - 7:00PM). Prof. Dev Nathan, Eminent Professor, Institute for Human Development New-delhi, Chaired the Session.
  52. Delivered a webpolicytalk on “How to enable Indian SMEs to penetrate the Global Value Chains of TNCs? The need to strengthen Regional Innovation Systems”, organized by Impact and Policy Research Institute (IMPRI), New Delhi on 12th March 2021 (from 4.00 P.M. to 5.30 P.M.).
  53. Delivered a talk titled “How to penetrate the Global Value Chains of MNCs by SMEs? The need to promote Regional Innovation Systems in India”, as part of the Ranjit Guru Memorial Series of International Webinars organized by Jawaharlal Nehru College, Cuttack, Odisha and CARD, Odisha on 11th December 2020.
  54. Chaired the session on Technological Innovation on 24th September 2020, and presented a paper titled, “The Global Value Chains of MNCs and Indian SMEs: Why to promote Linkages? How?” in the session on Management of Technology and Regulatory Policy on 25th September 2020, in the 10th Asian Society for Innovation and Policy (ASIP) Conference, held during 24-26 September 2020.
  55. Participated as a panelist and talked on “Research Issues relating to Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Tech Start-ups and Technology Business Incubators in India’, in the online Panel Discussion on “Research Frontiers in the Knowledge Economy” organized by Bangalore K-Community on 16th September 2020.
  56. Delivered an online talk on “Global Value Chains of MNCs and Indian SMEs: Why to promote linkages? How?”, in the One-Day International e-Conference on “Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Global Business” jointly organized by LKM Institute of Management Studies & Research, Chandrapur and Shanti Business School, Ahmedabad on 28th August 2020.
  57. Delivered an online talk on “Demand and Supply for Business Analytics Professionals: Dimensions and Implications”, in the foundation program for the PGDM Program batch (2020-22) of Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore on 13th August 2020.
  58. Delivered an online talk on “Research Process and Research Design” on 22nd July 2020, in the Faculty Development Programme on “Boosting Academic Performance with Quality Research Writing in Management”, organized by R V Institute of Management, Bangalore during 19-25 July 2020.
  59. Delivered an online talk on “Research Issues for Academic Professionals” on 17th July 2020 in the Online Faculty Development Programme, organized by G M Institute of Technology, Davangere, organized during 15-17 July 2020.
  60. Delivered an online talk on “Significance of Management Research and Role of Management Education Institutions” on 13th July 2020, in the Online Faculty Development Programme on Recent Trends in Management, organized by the Department of Management Studies, GATES Institute of Technology, Gooty, Andhra Pradesh during 13-19 July 2020.
  61. Delivered an online lecture on “Literature Review and Problem Formulation” in the Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology organized by R N Shetty Institute of Technology (RNSIT), Bangalore on 25th June 2020.
  62. Moderated a Panel Discussion on “Entrepreneurship: Moving out of comfort Zone”, in the Karnataka Tech-Entrepreneurship Summit on 14th February 2020 organized by and at Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering (JNNCE), Shivamogga.
  63. Delivered an invited talk on “New Venture Incubation Framework: An Indian Academic Model” in the Karnataka Tech-Entrepreneurship Summit on 14th February 2020 organized by and at Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering (JNNCE), Shivamogga.
  64. As an invited faculty, delivered five invited lectures on “Research Design” to (Lakshmipat Singhania Education Foundation) LSEF-UMass (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) Scholars (pursuing M.S. in Data Analytics and Computational Social Science and Master of Public Policy on 14th, 15th and 16th January 2020 at JK Lakshmipat University campus, Jaipur.
  65. Interacted with the faculty of J K Lakshmipat University (JKLU), Jaipur on “The Art of Publishing (What, When, Where and How to publish)”, on 15th January 2020 in the JKLU campus, Jaipur.
  66. As a panelist made a presentation on “Marketing Ecosystem for MSMEs and Start-ups in India”, in the Panel Discussion on “Marketing Ecosystem: Antecedent, Components and Challenges”, on 11th January 2020 held as part of the 13th International Conference on Marketing, MARKCON 2020 on “Marketing Ecosystem and Innovations: India and the Globe”, during 9-11 January 2020 at Indus Business Academy, Bangalore.
  67. Made a presentation on “SME innovation and competitiveness: What role do Regional Innovation Systems play?”, in the Sino-India Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies held on 17th December 2019 at the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. The event was organized by School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi, India.
  68. Made a presentation on “SME innovation and competitiveness: What role do Regional Innovation Systems play?”, in the 2nd China-India Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Joint Research Workshop held on 16th December 2019 at Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED), Beijing, China. The Joint Workshop was organized jointly by CASTED, Beijing, China and CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi, India.
  69. Delivered two talks: 1. “Tech start-ups and entrepreneurial ecosystems in India: Significance, Structure and Role”, and 2. “Ideation, Innovation, Commercialization and Venture Creation: An Indian Model from IIT Madras”, in the five-day QIP Programme on “Start-ups and their Ecosystems: Role and Promotion Strategy (organized during 9-13 December 2019) on 9th December 2019 at Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
  70. Moderated the session on “Economics of Technology” and delivered a talk on “The role of regional innovation systems in SME innovation and competitiveness” on 3rd October 2019 in the ASIP 9th Conference on Technology and Innovation for SMEs held at the Institute for Small Scale Industries (ISSI), University of Philippines, Diliman, Quezon city, Philippines during 3-5 October 2019.
  71. Delivered an invited talk on “How did Bangalore emerge as a global hub of tech start-ups in India? Entrepreneurial Ecosystem – Evolution, Structure and Role”, at Hotel Royal Orchid, Manipal Centre, Bangalore organized by the Bangalore Chapter of the Institution of Engineers and Technology (IET) on 19th September 2019.
  72. Delivered an invited lecture on “Small & Medium Enterprises in India: Policies, Performance and Challenges”, to the participants of Programme on Public Policy and Governance, organized at Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore on 28th June 2019.
  73. Delivered an Invited Talk on “Research Proposal Development for Grants” at the Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis, for science & engineering faculty and young researchers conducted by and at Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), Bangalore on 27th June 2019.
  74. Delivered a talk on “Indian Economy: Current Issues and Challenges”, as a Guest Speaker for the Plenary Session, in the National Conference on Indian Economy: Current Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, organized by and at Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore on 19th June 2019.
  75. Delivered two sequential talks focusing on “Research, Research Projects & Publications: Role & Significance”, in the Faculty Induction Workshop organized by and held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT), Coimbatore on 23rd May 2019.
  76. Delivered a talk as the Chief Guest on “The Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions in India: What do alumni can do?”, in the Inaugural function of JNNCE Global Alumni Meet 2019 held in Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering (JNNCE), Shivamogga, Karnataka on 18th May 2019.
  77. Delivered the Keynote Address in the International Conference on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Technology, Commerce and Management organized by and at Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies (SABS), Kengeri Satellite Town, Bangalore on 30th March 2019.
  78. Delivered the Inaugural Address on “Significance of Research and Role of Higher Education Institutions”, for the National Workshop on Research Methodology organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, and Information Science & Engineering, in association with Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi at Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management (DASTM), Bangalore on 21st February 2019. Subsequently delivered a lecture on “An Understanding of Research and Research Focus”, to the Workshop participants
  79. As a panelist, made a presentation on “Inter-disciplinary Research: Challenges and Opportunities”, in the Panel Discussion on 21st December 2018 in the 13th Annual International Conference of IFIM Business School, Bangalore on Applied and/or Interdisciplinary Research: Emerging Economy Perspectives held during 21-22 December 2018.
  80. As the Guest of Honour, delivered the Keynote Address on “Ever growing demand for Data Analytics Professionals: Do we have the supply capability?”, in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Research and Management (NCETERM 18.0) on 26th October 2018 organized by and at G M Institute of Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka.
  81. Delivered two talks on “Research Proposal” in the Induction Programme for Assistant Professors in Economics (held between 17.09.2018 and 07.10.2018) for Batch A and Batch B at the Higher Education Academy, Karnataka University Campus, Dharwad on 28th September 2018.
  82. Made one of the keynote presentations on “Ideation, innovation commercialization and venture creation: An Indian model from IIT Madras”, in the ASIP 2018 Bangkok Conference on “New Technological Paradigm and Innovation Policy in Asia”, on 13th September 2018 held at College of Innovation, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand during 13-15 September 2018.
  83. Presented a paper titled, “The Role of Academia in Innovation Commercialization and Venture Creation: An Indian Model”, in the Joint Seminar on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Tech Start-ups in India and Japan: Gaining Deeper Insights, on 21st August 2018 held at Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT), Japan during 21-25 August 2018.
  84. Delivered a Key Note Address on “Case Studies in Teaching and Research: Merits and Demerits”, in the Inaugural Function of the Seventh Annual National Conference on Case Studies on 9th August 2018 organized by Institute of Management, Christ University, Bangalore during 9-10 August 2018 in the Kengeri Campus, Bangalore.
  85. Delivered a talk on “Research Process and Writing a Research Proposal”, on 31st July 2018 in the Faculty Development Programme on “Building competencies for personal and organizational excellence”, held during 30th July to 4th August 2018 and organized by the Department of Management Studies, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  86. Delivered a talk on “Research Methodology: An Understanding of Research and Research Process”, on 10th July 2018 in the Workshop on Research Methodology organized by and at Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore during 10-12 July 2018.
  87. Delivered a detailed presentation on the draft project report titled, “Technology Business Incubators in India: An Exploratory Study on their contributions to National R&D Efforts”, as part of the project related Workshop on “Technology Business Incubators and their contribution to National R&D Efforts”, organized in the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on 6th July 2018.
  88. Moderated the Panel discussion on “Perpetual Talent Opportunities”, in the Business Analytics Conclave 2018 organized by the Department of Management Studies, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore on 20th April 2018 and made a presentation on “Ever Growing Demand for Business Analytics Professionals: Do We have the Supply capability?”, at Dr. Premchandra Sagar Auditorium, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore.
  89. Delivered a talk on “Quality in Research: A Perspective of Indian B-Schools”, in the One Day National Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, organized jointly by SSMRV College and Centre for Educational and Social Studies (CESS), held in SSMRV College, Jayanagar, Bangalore on 9th March 2018.
  90. Delivered a talk on “Research & Research Methodology: Meaning, Objectives, Characteristics & Process”, in the One Week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Research Methodology (conducted from 5th March 2018 to 9th March 2018) at Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering (JNNCE), Shivamogga, Karnataka on 5th March 2018.
  91. Delivered a talk on “Tech Start-Ups and their Ecosystems in India: How distinct are they? What prospects do they have?”, in CODEBEAT2018 (a start-up promotion event) held at BITS Pilani - Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad on 25th February 2018.
  92. Delivered a talk on “Technological Innovation in SMEs for Competitiveness”, in the Programme on Managing Innovation and Technology for Competitiveness organized by Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad [held during 22nd January 2018 – 2nd February 2018] on 29th January 2018 at ASCI, Hyderabad.
  93. Delivered a talk on “Significance of Management Research and Role of Management Schools”, as the Chief Guest, in the Inaugural Function of the Faculty Development Programme on Changing Paradigms in Management and Research organized by the Department of Management Studies, Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore on 1st January 2018.
  94. Delivered a talk on “Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, on 11th December 2017 in the Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Research, jointly organized by DSY-Centre for Policy Research, IISc Bangalore and National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore during 11-13 December 2017 at IISc.
  95. Participated as an Invited Expert in the Brain Storming Session organized by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi on 6th and 7th November 2017 at JECRC University, Jaipur, and made a presentation on “Innovation Commercialization and Venture Creation: Role of Academia and Industry”, on 6th November 2017.
  96. Participated as a Panelist in the SAP TechEd live Panel discussion on “Open Innovation in the Startup Ecosystem”, organized by SAP in the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, Bangalore on 27th October 2017.
  97. Delivered a talk on “Research: Proposal, Projects and Publications in Management”, in the Workshop on Academic Writing & Publication Skills, on 13th October 2017, organized by the Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME), Electronic City, Bangalore during 13-14 October 2017.
  98. Delivered a Keynote Address (via skype) after launching the JNNCE Journal of Engineering & Management (JJEM) of Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shimoga, Karnataka during the event held at the Seminar Hall, Administrative Block of the Institution on 27th September 2017.
  99. Chaired the General Session on “Management of Technology”, and delivered a talk on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Tech Start-Ups in India: Structure, Role and Promotion”, on 21st September 2017, in the Asian Conference on Innovation and Policy (ACIP) 2017 organized by Asian Society of Innovation and Policy (ASIP), Korea and National Economics University (NEU), Ha Noi, Vietnam during 21-23 September 2017 at NEU, Ha Noi, Vietnam.
  100. Delivered a talk as a panelist on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Tech Start-Ups in India: An Empirical Perspective”, in the Panel Discussion on “Emerging Evidence in Entrepreneurship and Innovation – What Works?”, organized as part of the One-Day Conference on Leveraging Research for Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation in Tamil Nadu, by Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII), Chennai and IFMR-LEAD, Chennai at Hotel Le Royal Meridien, Chennai on 7th September 2017.
  101. Delivered a talk on “Research, Research Projects and Publications in Management”, at the Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology, organized at and by R N Shetty Institute of Technology (RNSIT), Bangalore on 10th August 2017.
  102. Delivered a talk on “New Generation Start-Ups in India: Distinctive Features, Emerging Ecosystems and Its Implications”, during the Joint Seminar under ICSSR (India) – JSPS (Japan) Joint Research Programme in the field of Social Sciences, titled “Ecosystem for Technology Start-Ups in India and Japan: A Comparative Perspective”, held during 1-5 May 2017 at the Department of Management Studies, IISc.
  103. Delivered a presentation on the draft Research Project Report on “A Study of the Ecosystem for High-Technology Start-Ups in Bangalore and Hyderabad”, (sponsored by NSTMIS, DST, Government of India) in the Workshop on “Ecosystem for High-Technology-Ups in India”, organized in the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on 21st April 2017.
  104. Delivered a Technical Talk on “Regional Innovation System led Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Tech Start-Ups in Bangalore: How will it aid Make in India Initiative?”, at the National Conference on Transforming the Quality Paradigm to Achieve Make in India a Practical Reality: A Seamless Approach”, organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, and Department of Management Studies, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Bangalore on 25th March 2017.
  105. Delivered the Founder’s Day Lecture titled, “Small & Medium Enterprise Development in India: Retrospect and Prospects”, organized by Centre for Multidisciplinary Development Research (CMDR), Dharwad at Regional Science Centre, Karnataka University, Dharwad on 1st February 2017.
  106. Delivered a talk on “Small and Medium Enterprise Development in India: Policies, Performance and Prospects”, as a Plenary Speaker in the National Conference on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): The Engine of Indian Economy”, on 27th January 2017 organized by the Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa.
  107. As the Lead Speaker, delivered a talk on “Regional Innovation Ecosystem for Tech Start-ups in Bangalore: Evolution, Structure and Role” in the Inaugural Function of the National Workshop on “Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Innovation System (OCRIS) organized by the CSIR-National Institute for Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi at Indian International Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi on 6th October 2016.
  108. Participated as a panelist in the Panel Discussion on “Post Reform Experiences of Indian Economy” organized by Centre for Development Studies, School of Management Studies and Research, KLE Technological University, Hubballi and held on 24th September 2016, and delivered a talk on “India’s Growth Experience under Economic Liberalization”.
  109. Delivered a talk on “Time Management in Research”, at the Faculty Development Programme titled “QuaRTeX” – Quality Research Empowered by R and LATEX” at the National Institute of Engineering, Mysore on 24th June 2016.
  110. Delivered a talk on “Generating Employment for the Large and Growing Labour Force in India”, as the Chief Guest in the Inaugural Function of National Conference on Public Welfare Schemes: Role of Social Work and Commerce in Transforming India, organized by Gurushree College of Commmerce and Social Work at Siddaganga Institute of Technology (SIT), Tumkur on 16th March 2016.
  111. Delivered a lecture on “Technological Innovation in Indian SMEs: Need, Status and Policy Imperatives”, on 13th March 2016 in the BITS GOA Economics Conclave, organized by the Department of Economics, BITS Pilani Goa Campus at Goa during 12-13 March 2016.
  112. Addressed the participants and delivered a talk on “The Role of Research Methodology Workshops in enhancing the skills of Research Students’, as the Guest of Honour for the Inaugural Function of the Two Day Workshop on Research Methodology in Management, organized by Canara Bank School of Management and Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studiesat Central College Campus, Bangalore University on 25th February 2016.
  113. Panelist for the Panel Discussion on “Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs”, organized by Business Standard Smart Business in association with Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association (KASSIA), at KASSIA, Bangalore on 18th February 2016.
  114. Delivered a lecture on “New Generation Start-ups in India: Will they be able to make a difference?” at Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore on 12th January 2016.
  115. Presented a paper on “Ecosystem for Start-ups in Bangalore: An Empirical Perspective”, in the Session on Quality of Ecosystem for Start-ups in India, in the “Workshop on Growth Issues for Start-ups in India”, organized by the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad on 9th December 2015 in ASCI, Hyderabad.
  116. Chaired the Session on Commercialization and made a presentation on “New Generation Start-ups in India:  Stages of Life cycle, Growth of Ecosystem and Its Implications” on 7th November 2015, in the ASIP 2015 Korea Conference held at Shine Ville Resort, Jeju, South Korea during 5-8 November 2015.
  117. Member of the Panel of Speakers for the State Level Panel Discussion on “Changing India: Innovation as a root for Rediscovering India”, and delivered a talk on “India’s Innovation Status in the World: Retrospect and Prospects” on 25th July 2015 held at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), Mysore, organized by Genius Friends Association (R.), Mysore.
  118. Delivered a Keynote Speech on “Internationalization of Indian SMEs in the Era of Globalization: Policies, Performance and Prospects”, in the International Conference on Transnational Entrepreneurship organized by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore in association with Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University, USA, on 22nd May 2015 at IIM Bangalore.
  119. Delivered an address on “The Role of Management Education in addressing the demand-supply gap for Quality Management Graduates” as one of the Chief Guests in the Inaugural Function of Revelation 2015: Inter-collegiate Commerce & Management Fest. Organized by Government first Grade College, Vijayanagara, Bangalore on 11th March 2015.
  120. Delivered the Keynote Address on “New Generation Start-Ups in India: What Lessons can we learn from the Past?” in the Inaugural Function of Two Day National Conference on Challenges in Entrepreneurship & Business Process in Emerging Technologies organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore on 18th September 2014.
  121. Presented a Plenary Talk on “Technological Innovation in Indian SMEs: An Empirical Perspective”, in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences (IARAES 2014) organized by M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 5th September 2014.
  122. Presented a talk on “Small & Medium Enterprises in India: Policy, Structure and Performance”, in the UGC- Academic Staff College sponsored 23rd Refresher Course in Commerce & Management organized by the Post-Graduate Department of Studies in Commerce, Mysore University, Mysore on 27th June 2014.
  123. Delivered the Inaugural Address on “Indian Business and India’s Economic Development: Retrospect and Prospect”, in the Inaugural Function of UGC- Academic Staff College sponsored 23rd Refresher Course in Commerce & Management organized by the Post-Graduate Department of Studies in Commerce, Mysore University, Mysore on 27th June 2014.
  124. Delivered the Inaugural Address on “Indian Business and India’s Economic Development: Retrospect and Prospect”, in the Inaugural Function of Second National Conference on Indian Business Management organized by the Department of Management, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 23rd May 2014.
  125. Delivered the Keynote Address on “Why Conventional Engineering Disciplines should be strengthened? An Economic Rationale”, in the Inaugural Function of CogNIEscince 2014 (A National level Student Technical Paper Presentation Contest) organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Engineering, Mysore on 10th May 2014.
  126. Participated as a panelist in the Panel Discussion on “Building the talent pool – Are there enough analysts to analyze the data?” in the NASSCOM organized Bid Data and Analytics Summit 2013 at Hyderabad on 27th June 2013.
  127. Participated and delivered Valedictory Address in the Valedictory Function of UGC sponsored One-Day National Conference on “The effect of the global economic crisis on Indian economy: Issues, Challenges and Recovery” organized by the Department of Economics, Government First Grade College, Koppa, Chikkamagalur District, Karnataka on 28th March 2013.
  128. Delivered two invited talks on (i) “Small & Medium Enterprises in India: Policy, Structure and Performance”, and (ii) “Global Opportunities for Local SMEs: Where do Indian SMEs Stand?” in the Workshop on “MSMEs Today and Tomorrow”, organized by the Department of Management Studies, BVB College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli on 26th November 2012.
  129. Delivered an Invited Talk on “Technological Innovation in Indian SMEs: An Empirical Perspective”, in the IRENA Workshop on Renewables deployment in Small & Medium size Enterprises in the Manufacturing Sector in South Asia organized by Innovation and Technology Centre, International Renewable Agency (IRENA), Bonn in on 21st & 22nd November 2012 in New Delhi.
  130. Delivered an Invited Talk as a Panellist on “Technological Innovation in Indian SMEs: An Empirical Perspective”, in the National Forum on Sharing of Best Practices on Intellectual Property for Micro, Small and Medium sized Enterprises, Policy Makers & Facilitation Agencies, organized jointly by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), on 17th September 2012 in New Delhi.
  131. Guest of Honour for the Inaugural Function of International Conference on Driving and Sustaining High Quality Business Education across Asia, organized by Acharya Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore on 26th July 2012. Delivered a talk on “Factors Ensuring Quality and Sustainability of Management Education Globally”.
  132. Delivered an Invited Talk on “Technological Innovation and Indian Economy: Changing Status and Its Implications in the context of Global Economy” in the R&D Conference organized by Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore on 1st June 2012.
  133. Delivered the Keynote Address in the Inaugural Function on “Innovation and Competitiveness of India in the Global Economy: Changing Trends and Implications”, for the International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in  networked World – ICIE 2012,  organized by Sakthi Institute of Information and Management Studies, Pollachi on 10th May 2012.
  134. Delivered an Invited Talk on “Innovation and Competitiveness in the Global Economy: Where does India Stand?” in the One-day Research Seminar on Contemporary Research in Management and Innovation organized by the NMIMS School of Business Management, Bangalore on 21st April 2012.
  135. Chief Guest for the Inaugural Function of Students Festival INFERNO-12 organized by the MBA Students of BVB College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli on 2nd April 2012. Delivered a talk on “Start-ups, Innovation and Competitiveness”.
  136. Delivered a Talk as a Panelist on “Adoption of ICTs in SMEs: Constraints and Prospects”, in the Conference on IT for SMEs: Success and Growth, organized by the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Bangalore on 27th March 2012.
  137. Chief Guest for the Inaugural Function of ICSSR sponsored Research Methodology Workshop organized by the Department of Studies in Economics and Cooperation, University of Mysore, on 26th March 2012. Made a presentation on “Doing Research and Research Projects in Economics”.
  138. Guest of Honour and delivered a talk on “Innovation and Competitiveness: India’s Changing Status and Its Implications”, for the Inaugural Function of 2nd International Conference on “India Inc. Innovative Management Strategies”, organized by Dos Bosco Institute of Bio-Sciences and & Management Studies and Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 5th Jan 2012.
  139. Delivered an Invited Talk as a Panelist on “Technological Innovation and Global Competitiveness: Changing Status, Implications and Prospects for India”, in the Seminar on Innovation: Key to Enterprise Success in this Decade, organized by Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Bangalore on 15th September 2011.
  140. Chief Guest for the Inaugural Function of the UGC sponsored Workshop on Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education on 12th September 2011 organized by Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College, Bangalore. Delivered the Inaugural Address on “Women Labour force, Managers and Entrepreneurs: How to Enhance Their Participation?”
  141. Made an Invited Presentation on “Opportunities and Issues in the MSME Sector”, in the Workshop on Evolving Strategies for Karnataka’s Economic Growth organized jointly by Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) and Institute for Social and Economic Change (IESC), on 8th April 2011 at FKCCI, Bangalore.
  142. Delivered an Invited Talk on “”Global Opportunities to Local SMEs: Where do Indian SMEs Stand?” on 16th June 2011 at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bangalore.
  143. Chief Guest and delivered the Inaugural Address for the UGC sponsored One Day State Level Seminar on Reforms in Management Education: An Industrial Interface Approach, organized by Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya College of Science, Arts and Commerce, Bangalore on 3rd February 2011.
  144. Delivered a talk on “Doing Research and Research Projects in Economics and Commerce” on 5th October 2010 at Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya (SJR) College for Women, Rajajinagar, Bangalore.
  145. Chief Guest of the Inaugural Function for the “National Training School Program on Design Modeling and Analysis of Experiments through Taguchi Philosophy and Its Applications” on 23rd August 2010 at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Delivered the Inaugural Address focusing on Taguchi Methods and its role in Industrial Innovations.
  146. Delivered a talk on “Competition, R&D and Innovation: Understanding the changing context”, on 14th November 2008, in the SERI-Research Management Training at C&ED Cell, Central Silk Board, Bangalore organized during 11-19 November 2008.
  147. Delivered a Friday Seminar on “Technological innovation and enterprise growth in the SME sector of Bangalore”, at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), Bangalore on 11th July 2008.
  148. As the Chief Guest, delivered the “Convocation Address” at the Third Annual Convocation of Institute of Business Management & Research (IBMR), Bangalore on 2nd March 2008.
  149. Delivered three lectures on “Macroeconomics” at the Training Programme for the executives of M/S, Ace Designers, Bangalore. organized by K B Akhilesh. The talks were delivered on 21st May, 18th June and 25th June 2007.
  150. Delivered two talks, respectively, on “Macro-Economic Environment for Business & Globalization” and “Global Opportunities for Local SMEs in India: What Are They? How to Exploit Them?” at the Training Programme for the executives of M/S, Ace Designers, Bangalore organized by K B Akhilesh. The talks were delivered on 19th July 2006.
  151. Delivered a talk on “India’s current Macroeconomic Environment” to the participants of No. 38 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on January 25, 2005.
  152. Delivered a talk on “India’s current Macroeconomic Environment” to the participants of No. 37 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on August 20, 2004.
  153. Delivered a talk on “India’s current Macroeconomic Environment” to the participants of No. 36 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on July 24, 2004.
  154. Delivered a talk on “India’s Macroeconomic Policies” to the participants of Chief Engineering Officers’ Capsule Course (No 12) conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on April 13, 2004.
  155. Delivered a talk on “India’s Macroeconomic Policies” to the participants of No. 35 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on March 9, 2004.
  156. Delivered a seminar on “Indian Small Industry in the Era of Globalization: Impact and Opportunities” at the Department of Management Studies, PSNA College of Engineering & Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu on 5th March 2004.
  157. Delivered a talk on “India’s Macroeconomic Policies” to the participants of Chief Engineering Officers’ Capsule Course (No 11) conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on December 3, 2003.
  158. Delivered a talk on “India’s Current Industrial Policy” for No. 34 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on November 6, 2003.
  159. Delivered a talk on “Managerial Economics” for No. 33 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on September 5, 2003.
  160. Delivered three lectures for the UGC Short-Term Course on Economics for Management organized at Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during 3-21 June 2003.
  161. Delivered a talk on “Managerial Economics” for No. 31 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management & Information Technology, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on March 22, 2003.
  162. Delivered three lectures for the AICTE sponsored Short-Term Course on Industrial Policy and Development: Current Issues organized during 16-20 December 2002 at IISc.
  163. Delivered a talk on “R&D and Technological Innovations in Small Enterprises: A Case Study of Karnataka State, India” at the Center for Project Management Advancement (CPMA), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on 27th September 2002.
  164. Delivered a lecture on “Managerial Economics” for No. 30 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management & Information Technology, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on September 5, 2002.
  165. Delivered Keynote Address on “Small Industry Development in India: Policies and Problems” and a talk on “Entrepreneurship Development” for the State-level Seminar on Small Scale Industries, organized as part of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations by the Department of Economics, Lady Doak College, Madurai, Tamilnadu on 3rd October 2001.
  166. Delivered a lecture on “India’s Industrial Policy since 1991” for No. 28 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course (SEMOC) conducted by the Faculty of Management & Information Technology, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on September 28, 2001.
  167. Delivered a lecture on “Managerial Economics: Major Issues” for No. 27 Senior Engineers’ Management Orientation Course (SEMOC) conducted by the Faculty of Management & Information Technology, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on July 18, 2001.
  168. Delivered a lecture on “Changing Phase of Industrialization and Markets in India”, on 2nd July 2001 for the Short term Programme on Strategic Management of Technology, conducted by Prof. R.Srinivasan, Department of Management Studies at the Centre for Continuing Education, I.I.Sc, Bangalore during July 2-6, 2001.
  169. Delivered a lecture on “Managerial Economics: Major Issues”, for No.26 Senior Engineers' Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management & Information Technology, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore on 30th March 2001.
  170. Delivered two lectures on 1. India' Industrial Policy - Past, and 2. India's Industrial Policy - Present, for the Refresher Course on Advanced Economic Theories and New Trends in Indian Economy, on 12th December 2000. The Refresher Course was organized by the UGC Academic Staff College, Bangalore University in cooperation with the Department of Economics, Bangalore University during 4-/12/2000 - 23/12/2000.
  171. Delivered lectures on (1) Indian Industry: A Macro Perspective, (2) India’s Industrial Policy (1948-90): Features and Impact of Regulatory Framework, (3) India’ Industrial Policy in the 90s: Process of Liberalization and Implications, and (4) Foreign Direct Investment in India for the Quality Improvement Programme on Industrial Policy and Development in India: Recent Issues, sponsored by AICTE through Centre for Continuing Education, I.I.Sc. and conducted during December 4-8, 2000.
  172. Delivered a Special Lecture on “SSI and Indian Industrial Policy - A Critique” at the Department of Economics, Bangalore University, Bangalore on 29th November 2000.
  173. Delivered a lecture on “Managerial Economics: Major Issues” for No.25 Senior Engineers' Management Orientation Course [SEMOC] conducted by the Faculty of Management & Information Technology, Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli, Bangalore: on 21st October 2000.
  174. Delivered lectures on (1) Indian Industry: A Macro Perspective, (2) India’s Industrial Policy (1948-90): Features and Impact of Regulatory Framework, (3) India’ Industrial Policy in the 90s: Process of Liberalization and Implications, and (4) Small Scale Industry: Policies, Problems and Prospects for the Quality Improvement Programme on Industrial Policy and Management, sponsored by AICTE through Centre for Continuing Education, I.I.Sc. and conducted during May 10-14, 1999.
  175. Delivered lectures on (i) India's Industrial Policies: Past and present, and (ii) India’s Foreign Investment Policy, for the Management Development Programmes of Executives of Karnataka Power Corporation Limited [KPCL], Bangalore on Capacity Building for Competitive Advantage. Prof. K.B.Akhilesh, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore conducted the Programme during October-November 1998.
  176. Delivered lectures on (1) India’s Industrial Policy: Regulatory Framework and Its Impact, (2) India’ Industrial Policy in the 90s: Major Features and Implications, and (3) Small Scale Industry: Policies, Problems and Prospects for the Quality Improvement Programme Programme on Economics for Development: Recent Issues, sponsored by AICTE through Centre for Continuing Education, I.I.Sc and conducted during June 1-5, 1998.
  177. Delivered lectures on (i) India's Industrial Policies: Past and present, and (ii) Basic Economic Concepts and Theories, for the Management Development Programmes of Executives of Karnataka Power Corporation Limited [KPCL], Bangalore on Capacity Building for Competitive Advantage. Prof. K.B.Akhilesh, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore conducted the Programme during March-April 1998.